I am lying on my back with which a coffee machine and a printer near my head. I've just finished a bone marrow biopsy. To stop the bleeding, I need to keep the pressure on the spot where they poked the needle. They numbed the area before the procedure but the imagery which I conjured when I felt the tugging and twisting wasn't so pleasant. The sensation of something grinding against my bone was a bit like listening to fingernails scratching against the blackboard, for those old enough to know what a blackboard is. Also, I shall have to carry the heavy burden of exposing my buttock to a female other than my wife. It's good to just say a little prayer and think good thoughts.
I did a couple of tests including this biopsy to prepare for the chemo. I've arranged for the doctor to delay the first cycle by a week so that we don't have to change the arrangements for the morning school rounds just a week before end of term. It also gives my poor wife the time to adapt to the changes during the school holidays. The practical aspects of dealing with a medical condition.
I am glad I have another week of doing what I can with the kids. More for me than for them. I will get my wife to video more of their playful and crazy moments. I hope the rest of you will do the same.
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