

Sunday, 30 August 2015

My Political Awareness

Elections in less than two weeks. My first time ever casting a vote in any General Election. No it's not an indication of my age. Born and raised in Malaysia, I spent most of my adult life in Singapore as a Permanent Resident. I took up citizenship only after the last GE.

I have to confess that I haven't been particularly interested in politics, largely because Singapore has enjoyed a prolonged period of stability and prosperity. I don't have that much to be unhappy about, no axes to grind. Sure we could do with more open debates, but they ought to be on issues that truly matter. I am not particularly bothered about how many times the train broke down over the last two years because the scale of the issue just doesn't measure up to what commuters in other global cities such as London face on a daily basis. Train breakdowns are never great, but we need to grow up.

I know, I deserve to be sneered at because nothing should be taken for granted. Stability, prosperity and many other aspects of our daily life is dependent of long term planning, policy making and execution by those who are elected into power. I ought to feel that I have a way of influencing policies rather than reacting to them when they are implemented. After all the elected MPs are quiet accessible these days. I guess it should also be a personal responsibility to say it when things have been done well. The successes of the Government have by far exceeded its areas of improvement yet it is the latter that gets more attention. More people need to stick their necks out if they feel that the Government has done well in order to balance out a very vocal minority of armchair politicians active on social media.

What would be that one thing on my mind when I cast my vote on 11 Sep? For me, it will have to be a clean government. Elect the wrong people into power and  the country's coffers will be looted in broad daylight. We've seen this happen time and time again in many  countries. Cronies with long titles will be put into power to get rid of experienced leaders so that what happens behind the scene remains behind the scene. Kickbacks will be called donations and donations will be called personal. It will be the way things are done. On a recent family holiday overseas, our hired car was stopped twice by the police to collect their dues for the day. Our driver said that he just treats them like friends who need a helping hand and would offer them some pocket money. Institutionalised corruption is like cancer, it metastasise and kills the healthiest person if the problem is not dealt with quickly.

A thinking society can be brought down overnight by a corrupt government. Those who don't smoke the joint will end up without a chair when the music stops. Those who smoke the joint are completely incoherent it would be dangerous to sit them on a stool much less place them in parliament. They chase after whistleblowers so that the burglar can walk out of the front door. This form of government values mutual back-scratching and blind loyalty over integrity and intellect. Unfortunately, it is the country that pays the price of it's shady government. Loss of confidence triggers sell off in its assets and currency.  It becomes a laughing stock and loses its place at the global table.

A clean government is at the heart of any progressive country. Loose valves and blocked arteries need to be dealt with expeditiously and clinically to avert cardiac arrest. Drag your feet on a heart condition and you are almost certain to need a defibrillator or CPR.

I think I am ready for the GE now.

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