

Saturday, 8 August 2015

An Empty Seat

At 9am this Sunday, the public sirens will sound all across Singapore. It will be followed by a broadcast of the Proclamation of Independence read by the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. With those words, 50 years ago, a tiny nation was born to uncertain and tumultuous times. With fear and trepidation, the orphaned state had to make its own way in the world counting on Mr Lee's promise "I have a few million people's lives to account for. Singapore will survive".

For the next 49 years, Mr. Lee watched the promise he made to the nation unfold into reality. His presence at the National Day Parade (NDP) reminded us of Singapore's hard won democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality. Last year, Mr. Lee who was a giant amongst men, looked extremely frail and required assistance to walk. That was painful for the nation to watch. Yet he was seated calmly waving a flag in his hand cheering on the country that he deeply loved. Singaporeans would have understood if he did not turn up that evening. His presence made me feel extremely privileged to be a Singaporean but at the same time apologetic that because of us he had again gone out of his way.

This year, in remembrance of Mr. Lee, what was to be his seat at the NDP will be kept empty. All those who look that way will see the empty space left in their hearts. Raw emotions will again overwhelm us, a painful wound will be re-opened. We are learning to let go but it will take time. We will have to wipe those tears away and march onward with the same determination so that "Singapore will survive."

Onward Singapore.
Majulah Singapura.

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