

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Honey Time

A slight setback. I was meant to start on Cycle 2 of the treatment on Monday. I went for a blood test on the Saturday before and the results indicate that my white blood count had not recovered to a reasonable level just yet. The doctor's orders were to rest until Thursday to repeat the blood test before he decides on whether I can commence with Cycle 2.  Eye roll, eye roll, eye roll. I was feeling pretty normal and took it for granted that my blood count would recover according to schedule. That was the sort of person I am - I follow schedules. 

But it is what it is and I am doing whatever I can to eat more to hopefully boost the blood count. I am not even sure if it is scientific, but it is all I can do now aside from playing the waiting game. Me needing to remind myself to eat more would have been quite a laugh just a couple of months back. Eating has now become methodical rather than a form of  release or escapism. I have resorted to exclamations of "Ooo, this is really good for me" as I munch on steam organic vegetables and fish. I embellished, my niece just handed me a slice of delicious mango swiss-roll which I did not refuse.

Patience and more food is a kind prescription. But I am usually uncomfortable with waiting time. Perhaps I have to get rid of this notion. Waiting time sounds like a holding area for something better to arrive or something to be accomplished. Whatever time given is a sweet gift especially thinking, pondering and resting time. My doctor had recently suggested that I take some Manuka Honey to improve my immunity. Perhaps waiting time should be called Honey Time instead; time taken to transform natural nectar to something sweeter for the soul. Think Honey Time will catch on? 

How sweet are your words to my taste, 
sweeter than honey to my mouth! ~Psalm 119:103

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