I haven't thought about this for some time now but just over the last few days I spoke about it twice. I am actually a father of five.
The large age gap between the two boys is accounted for by two babies that didn't get through their first trimester. Baby 3 was a girl. We found out because the doctor suggested that we run some tests to see if there were any genetic related issues that led to the two miscarriages. Over the years, when I speak to friends who go through the roller-coaster of starting a family, where appropriate, I share this with them.
Becoming a parent is a gift. And like a gift, it is not a certainty. In fact nothing about this gift is known with certainty. Some couples have difficulty conceiving, others face many heart-stopping moments. Which is why even when the entire pregnancy goes smoothly, there is a sigh of relief at the end. Bringing kids into existence is a phenomenon that is so full of complexities that it is, in a literal sense, a miracle. The sight of a new born is a whisper from God that He exists and He is handing over to you someone precious.
We had to wait many years before our second boy arrived. During that pregnancy, the doctor asked us on many occasions to run the routine test for down-syndrome. We decided against it because we wanted to have the child regardless.The doctor, who was doing his part in being a responsible physician, was concerned for us. The decision wasn't one made out of chivalry or religious fervency but the acceptance that such gifts come in many forms.
Earlier this week, one of my friends said that she didn't believe in an after-life. I told her I did and that I long to see my two other kids when I get to the other side. As much as I believe in God's gift of life, I also believe in His means of grace to get me there. What a treat it would be to see those two.
I was reminding my younger son today not to tease his sister. As I was emphasizing to him that she is his only sister, I realised that that wasn't quite so true. So I corrected myself by telling him about the two siblings before him. He found that interesting and verified what I told him with mommy. When he came back he asked whether he could have another sibling. I told him I am too old to consider having another child, but really in my mind I felt contented with my five special gifts.
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