My daughter agreed to go to Sunday School his morning. The conditions were that I would accompany her and that she could bring her pink owl bag along. A big step for her but made easier by the fact that my second son started Sunday School earlier this year. As we were leaving for church, my son said that he was very proud of his sister. He voiced out my thoughts exactly.
On the way there my son explained to her that they would not be in the same class. I held my breath because that could well be a deal-breaker for her. But she didn't make a fuss. My son who wanted to have more involvement in her new experience. He asked if he could bring her to class but we were already late arriving at church so we dropped him off in class first. He gave his sister a kiss to wish her well.
My daughter adjusted well in class. She followed the actions to the worship songs and responded to the questions asked by her teacher. It was slightly confusing for her that the class assistant had the same name as her elder brother. She enjoyed storytime and was pleased to receive a colouring booklet, stickers and a file with her own name on it.
The only fuss was on the way to lunch when her brother said that her class name "was weird". She took offence to him, protesting that her brother had said that her "class name was stupid". I didn't even know she knew that weird could imply to something being stupid. Mommy told the boy not to say anything if he didn't have anything nice to say. I think he found it odd that the class name wasn't related to something spiritual like Love, Joy or Peace. Instead, it was a cartoon character.
Another milestone for my daughter and for me. She believes in God but she does not yet understand the Christian faith in full. Well I guess I too am on a lifelong journey to understand my Christian faith in its full richness. But if she has enough confidence to stand her ground when somebody says that her faith is weird then that is a good place to be. I just have to make sure she is less sensitive to comments about class names. There are too many influences that can steal a child's dignity and values from them at a very young age. It is important for her to know that she is precious regardless of what this world says about her, and that she is wonderfully made when the world around her suggests that she ought to feel inadequate about herself. Believing that she has God's love is a great place to start.
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