

Saturday, 9 July 2016

The Jabs

A couple of days after each chemo treatment, I have some booster jabs to get through. It is meant to stimulate the growth of white blood cells and strengthen my immunity.  There is a more expensive alternative of doing a single jab, but I decided on the more cost efficient option. That means jabs on 5 consecutive days; 4 times more the fun. I do the jabs first thing in the morning so that I don't have to think about it the rest of the day or forget to administer it. Not quite sure which is worse. 

The instruction is to first remove the cap from the syringe carefully so that I don't accidentally poke my fingers because of reflex action. Then place the syringe with the loosen cap in a safe place near me. Pick a spot about 2 fingers width away from either side of my belly button and clean it with an alcohol swab. That is probably the best part, the cool belly. Then comes the jab. 

The drug needs to be injected into fatty tissues below the skin. The spot recommended by the nurse was my belly, probably because she sensed that I wasn't short of belly fat. The needle is relatively short and fine which reduces the anguish. Also no risk of puncturing any of my internal organs. I then have to decide whether I ought to gently stab myself with the syringe or whether I should place the syringe on my belly, try to puncture my skin and slowly nudge the needle in. 

You would think that with a needle so fine and my belly so soft, the needle would go right in as soon as I place the needle on my belly. Like sticking a fork into jello. That may happen, but more often than not when I place the needle on my belly, it hurts and the needle refuses to break the skin. At which point I would exclaim "Oh come on!". Sometimes it takes me 3 to 4 times before I either find a more comfortable spot or shake the jello-like sensation from my hand to finally press the needle firmly against my belly. Getting the needle in is a big relief, but injection the drug feels quite nasty too. 

For those few moments in the morning, I feel like I live in slow motion. As soon as the syringe automatically retract into its case, time speeds up again and I see everything in full colour.

Po: How did I do?
Master Shifu: There is now a level zero
~ Kung Fu Panda

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