

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Setting Sail

My wife receives the Our Daily Bread daily devotion booklet very quarter. Occasionally, ODB offers free books to subscribers. About 2 months back, it was offering subscribers a free copy of God in Pursuit, Lessons from the Book of Jonah written by Robert M. Solomon. Being the official letter opener at home, I responded to the offer. I still felt a bit lost after the health issues last year and I had the urge to read a book that would set me straight.
If not for the kindness of the ODB staff, I may not have received the book. I followed the instructions provided in the ODB leaflet to text ODB for the book request. It involved inserting the subscriber's reference number in the text message but I inserted the number they used in their example instead. I did think that it was amusing that my wife's subscriber reference number was something like 1234567. I obviously wasn't thinking hard enough. Because of that blunder, the ODB staff called me a couple of days later to help me with the book request.

I found the book in my mailbox last week. It was quite timely as the church sermon last Sunday was about staying the course with God and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. The lay leader reminded us about Jesus standing at the door knocking. He joked that if he had written that passage, he may have been tempted to write it as Jesus breaking down the door and barging in. Quite honestly, I do feel like I have been keeping my doors locked and upping the volume on the speakers in my room. Not yet ready to open the door and hear what could be in store for me. 

On Monday morning, I took a look at the daily devotional calendar on my office desk. The page for Sunday was also about approaching the Holy Spirit with an open heart instead of your set plans. That prompted me to pick up the book to see what it had to say. And it had a lot to say to me and about me. I have been reluctant to allow God to mold and refine me because it requires effort. And I have already made a lot of effort. "Try not to rock my boat," says the Jonah in me. 

Yet from past experience I am most at peace when I followed His lead. Reading the book was a good start in the right direction.

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