

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Phase 2

Kallang Basin

Woke up to another rainy day. I do like it though. It's cooler, the air is fresher, and you can watch the rain clouds rush across the rumbling skies. No concerns about the sun getting too hot if I were to do a long (and very slow) run at 8.30am. But no chance of that happening today because my body is aching from the run I did yesterday. I was actually quite reluctant to go because it was already 7am when I woke up, but seeing that it was cloudy, I dragged myself out. One third of the way, the heavens opened and it poured. I've not done a 30km run in a very long time, so it was a mental strain, but the rain offered a good distraction. Marina Run 2020 done, virtually.

In Singapore, we are in Phase 2 of the transition from the Circuit Breaker to new normality. More people are returning to the office (RTO), dining in at restaurants are now allowed so long as it is limited to 5 persons per table, and people can swim or go to the gym. This is at a time when the WHO has said that the COVID-19 pandemic is "accelerating and the world is in a new and dangerous phase". The world is a confusing place at this moment. Let's hope that people are sensible in whatever they do. No point asking why God doesn't put a stop to this when the answer lies with us.  

Kim Seng Park,  River Valley
Kim Seng Park, River Valley

I think it is still too early to go to crowded places. Fortunate I don't miss being in a crowd. I am by nature an introvert, so running alone and work from home is more energising to me. A storm or a pandemic blurs out the surroundings, giving introverts space to think. Quietness is the opportunity to hear the sounds of the wind and the birds. It reminds me that we are guests in this world - enjoy it but leave it as we found it. Phase 2 is the chance for us to adapt to a new tempo, a more sustainable rhythm of life.