

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Rest for the Head

I was down with a bug this past week. The sore throat was so bad it reminded me of the time when I had tonsillitis as a child. It felt like I had a hedgehog lodged in my throat. I prefer self-medication but this time, after putting it off for a few days, I went to the GP. She must have thought that there was a long queue waiting to see her because she processed me like meat out of a sausage machine. In a minute she confirmed that I didn't have fever, no tonsillitis, it was viral, more water and lots of rest was what I needed. She gave me a medical certificate to rest at home for a day and a selection of medication. I was out of the consultation room before I could warm the seat.

The whole week of on and off fever, coughing and sore throat left me mentally and physically tired. So yesterday night, I decided to played the Sarah Reeves songlist from her youtube channel. She does covers of worship songs usually playing an electric piano. It brought sudden calmness to my heavy head. I felt the knots in head getting unknotted. And it reminded of the time when I was tuning into this channel regularly when I was just diagnosed with lymphoma a year back.

It was tough then to praise God. It is easier to accept that God remains sovereign and that He is all powerful and that He knows what He is doing. But quite difficult to give praise and worship like it was the best week I've ever had in my life. Nabeel Qureshi spoke about this recently in one of his vlog "Worshiping when you're hurting". Nabeel is an Christian apologist who is currently undergoing treatment for stomach cancer. The vlog strongly resonated with me.

Sarah's cover songs helps me to focus on the simple yet powerful lyrics of the songs. It is unhurried, meditative and contemplative. The songs remind listeners that in whatever circumstances, we still have God and that is more than enough. It's wonderful to have such resources available online to share and remind us of what a good God we have.